Thursday, December 9, 2010

Question 13; Feminism

The first wave of feminism focused on equal rights; a quantitative measure, such as the right to vote, own property, divorce, have equal protection from husband, to have money and custody, and other basic human rights. They fight for basic necessities, arguing that the Constitution applies to women, too. This involves no discussion of being looked down upon. If the woman is physically being hurt its first wavers (domestic abuse).

Second wavers extended this by concerning themselves with the quality and happiness of life, which is qualitative, and by trying to gain equal recognition. Second wavers claim that having children ruins womens’ lives, and that sex with men is rape. Sexual harassment should be wrong. They do not use negative terminology to describe women. They support the idea of equal pay for equal work, as they promote equality of the sexes.

Third wavers add to the first and second wavers by including agency (empowerment). They say that women are not victims of society. They understand terms such as “bitch,” that were previously offensive, as ironic or satirical. They add the idea that women have choices. They appropriate signifiers of the domination of women. They appropriate having kids and being housewives by recognizing that they have the power to make those choices. Seconds wavers may say you should not be a housewife, which is a restriction, whereas third wavers say you can do whatever you want, as they believe people should not judge women.

The image below signifies all three waves. In terms of first wavers, the idea that women are allowed to vote signifies quantitative equal rights. In terms of second wavers, the man speaking discusses the image of the Woman and her social role by implying that women do all the housework, and furthermore by suggesting that establishing a peaceful marriage is a woman’s responsibility. This argument relates to the quality of womens' lives. Third wavers would argue that if a woman wants to do all the housework, than that is perfectly acceptable. Women are not victims of social order but rather have to power to choose their own lifestyle, whatever that may entail.

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